Sunday, March 27, 2011

I am Blessed~

I have to write about something that isn't just about me, it's about all of us. Our Soldiers. 

I watched the Latest Episode of Army Wives tonight. It was amazing and compelling, the best written show I have anticipated in years; frankly since the last Season of West Wing. 

It was worth the wait. As it showed the hurt and next steps taken when a loved is lost in a Military family. How we take it for granted everyday that there is a war still going on. That there are those families who see two military personal that walk to those doors; and have the feeling in the pit of their stomach. Knowing what it is they will be saying. 

For any mother, sister, wife, fiance, father, brother, husband; it never gets easy to hear it. Knowing that loved one will never be in your arms again, or see your child. It is reality that us civilians might never have to face.  

Life is not always fair, nor is it always what we want, but we cannot give up. We cannot let so many deaths be in vain. We must stand strong together, holding each other's hands carry on. We ust continue to grow, so that in doing so, we will keep their memory alive and with us always!

I am not a Military Wife, I am a military brat, whos Dad was in the Air Force. Both of my parents' parents were in the Army, and  I had an Uncle in the Navy. My other Uncle Bob never came home from Nam, but his memory is still alive and every time I visit the Wall in DC I feel a hug reach out to me, the way loved ones feel when they reread letters or see pictures. We know they are never forgotten!

I want to say how very thankful I am for the Men and Women who serve and have served in our Armed Service, and to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice; we Salute You and Your families. I feel blessed because I have my family safe and sound, I feel blessed that someone is giving the ultimate sacrifice for my children's freedom, and I am blessed to be an American!

Thank you to all of the cast and crew of the Army Wives! You keep what is truly important in font of us, and do so honorably! Thank you for going through the emotions none of us want to ever face.

I am blessed~

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life Happens

 ~Life Happens~

That seems to be my lot in life; as if it’s something bad. To say living and those living around me is something to deal with rather than a life to live.

As you can see, that yes, it has been awhile since I have last posted.

We seem to have this revolving door of icky germs that gets passed along to every family member. I was down two weeks literally, and due to that, had an extreme amount of homework. Then it began visiting children and has finally caught up with James. He is not enjoying it either but is trudging through it only missing a day or two of class. The cold season hit right about the time we stopped sleeping and began studying. The kiddos have battled it off and on, and it has made missing class an art-form for me.

Since then, I have been playing catch up on studies and finally am able to breather now that midterms are over. Then, after finally getting organized and loving it, it all fell apart after me being out of it and then doing nothing but homework. Yet another thing to feel defeated about it seemed. I again have had a restless feeling grow within me and I feel the urge to want to “be free” of all my duties and obligations. On top of everything, my training and exercising has gone completely out the window because “I didn’t have time” to get it accomplished.

Life Happened.

Then I realized that all this “stuff” of getting in the way of me living, was in fact me living. Things are not always going to work out the way we want, but it shouldn’t stop us from doing what it is we truly want-to live. Life is too short and can change in an instant. We cannot wait to accomplish anything because life will not wait for us. I’ve asked and it didn’t even respond. Rude I know, but it is how the world works.

Everyone gets sick, and as horrible as it is for you to get sick, it’s not fun for the kiddos either. So next time I won’t dred picking up the phone knowing it’s the school; instead I’ll try to be more intune with my kiddos needs, and be glad it’s nothing more than a bad cold or the flu, instead of a life-long disease.

I will have everyone pitch in and make sure we all do our chores; I know, easier said than done. I truly believe that I rest so much better and my family is so much happier when things are in order and the chaos is not running our lives. Our hands are not broken, nor the ability to communicate that something should be done.

Oh yes, the “I don’t have time” to take care of myself. By not making the time, it has intruded upon my everythought. How many more pictures will I not be in because of my weight? How much fun am I missing out on with my kiddos because I cannot keep with them? Too many if you ask me, and it’s sad to say I’m not the only person who has felt this way too.

So here is where I’m at now, mid March. I’m pursuing my Sound Engineering Certifcation at school first now. Watching Maroon5 do their live session, and getting my feet wet with this first class, has really grown the desire to be more involved in my first love; music. I will still pursue writing and politics, but I want to see where this path will lead.

I am also going to try and be more understanding and content with my family. Sometimes I forget that I’m not babysitting, but that these are my children. I need to be more tender to not making sure their needs are met-but their dreams are met too. I take for granted their love and forgivness in me, sadly I feel as adults we get too busy in our own lives to remember what it was like when we were in their shoes. I wonder how diffrently we would parent.

I also am going to stick with my plan and focus on taking care of me. If I am not healthy how can I properly set an example for my children? No you have to eat healthy and go outside and be active, but not Mommy, I’m too busy; yah right….I’m too lazy more like it.

So I’m at another crossroad of balance and realizing that life happens. With that I need to balance what it is that I do and feel. The reality is there is time to work and a time to play. So that when Life Happens we can breathe that much easier and roll with whatever comes are way.

Nothing tastes better than skinny I hear, and let me add that nothing feels better that balance and harmony.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love and Dedication~

Where to start? I have so much to say, and so little time or room!

Well tis the season of loving! It is the month of love, and it happens to be the month of my 10th wedding anniversary. Is it horrible to say I am just as surprised and impressed as you are that we made it as you are?! I am amazed and truly did not think we would make it, but we did! I am so grateful for the husband that I have and am so privileged to be married to my best friend! It’s not always been a bed of roses, but we are determined to work together to meet not only our own needs, but each other’s as well. We didn’t plan our family, but have been blessed incredibly despite us! I look forward to what the future holds for us and where our next adventure comes from!

With Valentine’s Day coming Monday, we celebrated early by having a dinner and treats tonight with our family! It was very “untraditional” but so us! We did have a pasta dinner, and chocolates, and I got some pretty roses! However, James is working Doubles tomorrow and has class late Monday! So we had it together tonight! The kiddos picked out a cute doggy that looks like Stryder for Daddy, and they each got their own box of chocolates from Daddy! It was very nice! We don’t usually do VDay up because we have our Anniversary a few weeks before. So I don’t mind staying home and having things at home with kiddos or having someone else’s kiddos here! I got very spoiled so I don’t mind sharing the day with others!

I have been very blessed this year, not only did I get flowers two weeks in a row, but I have been taken care of very well the last two weeks while sick with the flu. I haven’t taken my own advice, and instead of speaking peace and harmony, I got stressed, and my body shut done when I came into contact with my sons touch of flu. He had it for two days; I had it for two weeks. James however made sure I had everything I needed, and manage to get all the laundry done, and keep the house somewhat cleaned up. The kiddos didn’t even eat pizza every night, that’s impressive! So I have learned my lesson in taking care of myself, but also have taken great joy in knowing that it wasn’t in the gifts this year I appreciate the most, it was in the many small things he took care of for me while I was out! He always encourages me, and even sleeps on the ikea futon without complaint! Most guys wouldn’t consider sleeping anywhere but “his” bed-not here, it’s my bed, and he’s blessed to be in it! JK! But I have been blessed in more ways than one this month.

It is my hope that you yourself will be blessed with love and dedication. I know I have!


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